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Hemingway Haceinda BreedsCattle species are broadly divided into two groups, Bos Indicus from Asia and Bos Taurus from Europe and Africa. 

The most common species in Panama is the Cebu Brahman.  This Bos Indicus species is a good choice for the tropics; with good weight gain and the ability to withstand high heat and go long periods with little water (Panama has a dry season from December through May). 

Brahmans form the core of almost every herd in Panama today.  Other species found in Panama include Holsteins, Senepols and Simmentals. 

The Senepol breed is a cross between an African Bos Taurus breed known as N’Dama and a Red Poll.  Created on the island of St. Croix in the Carribbean, this Bos Taurus species has good meat, short hair, no horns and has proven to be quite resistant to heat, insects and other parasites. 

Simmentals are originally from Switzerland and are known for their fast weight gain.  Cross breeding between Brahmans, Senepols and Simmentals is creating breeds like the Simbra (or Simbrah), a cross between a Brahman and a Simmental that has already proven highly successful for breeders around the world.