The tropical adaptation of Brahman Zebu cattle was almost certainly developed by natural selection in tropical areas. The extent to which this adaptation was achieved concurrent to the divergence of the humped from non-humped cattle can only be speculated. But it must be remembered that not all tropically adapted cattle are humped, especially in Panama and most Latin American Countries. Most other characteristics of Zebu cattle are a result of their [ Read More ]
In the 1800s N’Dama Cattle were imported to the Caribbean Island of St. Croix from Senegal, West Africa. St. Croix is the largest and Southernmost of the U.S. Virgin Islands, located roughly 1200 miles Southeast of Miami, Florida. The N’Dama, a Bos taurus breed, was well suited for the Caribbean because of it’s heat tolerance, insect & disease resistance and the ability to thrive on poor quality forage.